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Forgotten Battles In Russia 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Volume 2 The Exploitation Battles.

Forgotten Battles In Russia 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Volume 2 The Exploitation Battles.

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This book  covers the exploitation battles in July 1941, with the Russian defences collapsing, but the fight was still hard and terrible. Any pre-conceived ideas of the Germans having a relatively easy time in July will be dispatched by the evidence of this titanic struggle. The widely acclaimed format is continued and is laid out to make the book accessible, but also challenging of pre-conceived ideas. 

There are 5 sections to the book, and these are

The Encapsulation of Smolensk
Closing in on Leningrad
Beyond the Arctic Circle... Onwards to Murmansk
The White K: Army Group South moves on Kiev
Operation Munich

With 19 Scenarios supporting the text, photos and maps the fighting is represented from the frozen arctic to the Romanian offensive in the south, designed for sets of rules that work from Platoon to reinforced battalion sized actions. 

The information found in the 96 pages of this 'Forgotten Battles' volume will be new to the vast majority of readers, as in English the events of July 1941 are up to now not at all well represented. 

The delay in the publication of this book is largely due to the increasing inaccessibility of Russian sources, mainly as a result of the current war in the Ukraine. But there are always alternative ways to access information if you know where to look and we hope that you will find the material revealed to be both interesting and will lead you to re-assess the events described.
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